When you can’t be stuffed preparing a fancy meal why not try stuffing a capsicum instead

Do you sometimes crave a meal that is a little different, but the idea of putting thought into a meal just seems too much?

I do; often!

I love cooking, I love creating in the kitchen, but there are times (normally when I am tired or have limited time) that I just can not be bothered.

A few weeks back I was tired, I was hungry, I opened the fridge about 5 times, I opened the cupboard and I repeated this process a few times, stomping around the kitchen sooking to myself that I had nothing to eat, when I decided it was time to stop being an idiot.

I grabbed the two red capsicums from the fridge and pretended I didn’t notice the haggard looking carrots, I willed myself to be creative and before I knew it I was preparing stuffed capsicums and if I may be modest, they were terrific.

Here is what I did.

Cut the capsicums in half take out the middle bit.

Put a little bit of olive oil on the top and  place them under the grill until the top changes colour.

While these are cooking, boil some water and make some couscous.

In a saucepan fry a little bit of garlic, mushroom and tomato chopped into cubes (I add a handful of fresh herbs from my garden) then when almost cooked add a tiny bit of balsamic vinegar.

Mix this all together with your couscous and I add pine nuts as well.

Then take your (hopefully not too chargrilled)  capsicums out from the griller, stuff it with your couscous combo and put a tiny bit of cheese on top.

Place it back under the griller until the cheese melts and goes a little bit brown.

As I type it all out, it seems a little more time-consuming than it actually is, trust me it really doesn’t take long at all.

I did try it with green capsicums the other day, which actually wasn’t as nice as the red ones, green ones take longer to cook and are not as sweet.

Please let me know if you try this and have any other suggestions, additions etc.

Happy stuffing and happy eating.


Sweet potato patties (a quick and healthy snack)

Being in the fitness industry I often have people asking me about quick and easy healthy recipes.

I am not really one to follow a recipe exactly or even use a recipe at all despite the large volume of recipe books I promise my husband I will use one day, which I why I can’t possibly get rid of them 🙂

The other day I was thinking of my love for sweet potatoes – yes I spend a great deal of time thinking about food.

For a little person I am always grazing (like a cow someone once said – yes thanks for that) but true none the less.

So back to food….

I made sweet potato patties the other day and I got to be honest- they kind of rocked my world!

So I peeled (obviously, the peel on them would be silly) and chopped up about 3 large sweet potatoes, which I then boiled until soft.

I chopped up some onion which in hindsight I should have cooked a little first, rather than just throwing it into the mix.

Then I threw it all in a blender.

I added a tin of chickpeas and a few tablespoons of flour.

I added some cumin and coriander powder (I couldn’t tell you how much – whatever you think or add spices that appeal to you)

I also added a few fresh herbs from my garden coz I love fresh herbs.

I mushed it all up – well the blender did all the work while I stood by and watched.

Then I made them into little patties, I chucked them in the oven or you could fry them and wallah a it’s great lunch or dinner snack with salad.

You will know when they are cooked as they go brown but not too brown.

Please let me know your thoughts or any other variations of this or any other quick and easy heathy recipes you would like to share.

Everything is better when it’s shared with love.

Ps – quick sweet potato other delightful treat:
Chop up sweet potatoes thinly,
pre-cook in microwave for about 4 minutes then cook in fry pan add a little fresh ginger, garlic, and soy sauce and have as a snack.

It too will rock your world and have your taste buds singing with joy.