How to be beautiful


Love your self from the inside out.
Walk tall with self-confidence.
Think lovely thoughts.
Smile from your heart and with your eyes.
Stop comparing yourself to others love the skin you’re in.
Dress in clothes that make you happy not just in clothes you feel you should wear.
Feel happy, wonderful, positive for all the great things you have – then watch the glow that comes into your soul and shines out of your body.
Be kind to yourself and others.
Be unique, be you, beYOUtiful!

Imagine if ….

Imagine if you could re live every ordinary day as though it were extraordinary?

Imagine if you loved every part of your body and didn’t want to change a thing?

Imagine if you were the smartest, richest, funniest, most talented person in the world?

Imagine if each time you posted on Facebook you instantly got a million likes?

Imagine if you never had to work at anything and you were automatically thin, successful, fit?

Imagine if…..

Imagine if:

You actually lived out every ordinary day having extraordinary thoughts, seeing the world through extraordinary eyes, imagine how amazing and fulfilling each day could be….

You loved your body flaws and all, you realized that everyone has their own in securities and while each body is different none are perfect.

Imagine how happy you could be if you were comfortable in your own skin and you focused on all the things you love, rather than the things you hate…..

You didn’t strive to be richer, smarter, more talented but you learnt to appreciate and feel gratitude for all the amazing things you already have in your life…..

You stopped posting on Facebook and instantly checked for likes, you didn’t feel sad when you only got two likes rather than twenty.

You realized that the amount of Facebook likes does not equate to your successful status as a human being…..

You stopped wishing for more, you appreciated working hard to get results, so you could feel a deep sense of achievement and pride……

Imagine if you spent less time thinking, worrying and more time being present in the moment, more time feeling genuine gratitude and happiness.

Imagine if you spent less time worrying about people’s opinion of you and more time focussing on how YOU feel about you.

Imagine a world where you can start to create and control your own happiness……


Don’t allow minor obstacles become huge issues

This morning after the power went out, I showered and got dressed in the dark, jumped on the bus with no morning coffee, peacock hair and a shirt on inside out, then I thought about obstacles.

Now anyone who knows me knows I am the type of girl who regularly sports a natural (otherwise known as messy) hairstyle and I rarely wear makeup, so while the shock of looking at myself in the mirror later, wasn’t too extreme, my lack if morning routine coffee was certainly not ideal.

Life is what you make it, simple as that!

If you are the person to need a hair straightener in the morning and the power is out, would you hide away from the world or would you rock that frizzy Afro with style.

Later during my class when the stereo stopped momentarily I did some interpretative dance, ok that’s not true, but I didn’t freeze up and panic.

Life is filled with little obstacles, but what you choose to do with those little obstacles is up to you.

You have the ability to accept everything thrown at you, to deal with it and move on.

No matter how big or small, you can change the way you think.

You can simply not allow those obstacles to become major issues.

Obstacles are there to test us, to teach us a lesson, to help us grow.

Issues are the way you react to those obstacles.

Happy Monday; embrace your obstacles, grow stronger, rock that peacock hair if you need to.

If you can’t laugh at yourself then what you can laugh at 🙂

You are stronger than you think

I spend a lot of time thinking about my body, not in the conceited does my bum look fat in this way (although I am a girl so of course I do this as well) but what I am talking about here is just how amazing our bodies are and just what they are capable of.

We are all stronger than we think we are; we are always capable of pushing ourselves that little bit further, yet sadly there is something within most of us that allows us to give up sooner than we should.

Our bodies are designed to move not sit dormant, we are meant to be active, we are flexible as kids yet this seems to fade over time.

You can change that!

You are stronger than you think you are!

Last night, I tried a little experiment in one of my classes; I lied -something I don’t normally do, but stay with me here, as I lied for good not evil purposes!

During a particularly strong leg track, I lied about the duration. You see the class before I told people how long we were holding the poses, hearing the duration, the mind for some people immediately told the body it couldn’t possibly hold for that long, the result -people gave up!

Class two, same poses, different result; I told people they would be holding for a shorter duration, they held they stayed, they achieved more than they may have believed was possible.

You are stronger than you think you are!

Next step is believing it!