Merry Xmas


Short and sweet today, have a great Xmas everyone, and if you are interested in doing any classes down by the river at Currumbin over the next week, please let me know.

I will be between Brisbane and the Gold Coast, resting, eating and trying to keep a little bit fit in-between.

Hope you are having a wonderful day!

Give yourself permission to slow down

I didn’t really understand until this year, just how stressful this time of the year can be for people.

I am fortunate that Christmas for me is a joyous time, yet for many the thought of spending time with family they may not really like can be a forced and stressful situation.

The thought of racing from one family function to another is tiring before it even begins.

The act of running around; shopping, cleaning, fitting in as much as possible is exhausting rather than exhilarating.

If this is all ringing out true for you, then please know that it is ok to just slow down for a moment, it is ok to sit still and breathe.

It is ok to take it easy at the gym, rather than push your fatigued body.

You are the master of your own destiny and if you need to slow down, then give yourself permission to do just that.


Everything in moderation

Everything in moderation, we have all heard that saying countless times.

I think this time of year as you are devouring your third plate of Christmas dinner goodness, eating just “one” more chocolate, and drinking your hundredth alcoholic drink you are starting to wish you actually adhered to it.

While I do think that drinking 100 drinks probably isn’t ideal and eating too much fatty sugary food isn’t going to make you feel amazing;  it is Christmas, it is a time for celebrating and partying so please don’t beat yourself up if you are consuming the “bad” things a little more frequently and less moderately than you normally would.

As I always say in my classes, be kind to yourself, listen to your body, give it the break and treats it deserves, but keep in mind if you are drinking and eating excessively you will most likely put on weight.

So my friends, eat and drink (at least not too crazily)  if the weight creeps up, then so be it, deal with it by not allowing this to become a habit, jump back into action early in the new year and get your body healthy again.

Life is too short to be at war with yourself.