A time to reflect, to plan, to celebrate

After a few soul searching days by myself at the beach, I have come to the conclusion that:
A – you are never too old to change your life.
B – happiness is a choice, a way of life, something we all have the power to experience.
C – you can achieve anything with determination and by setting little realistic goals.


I have been walking on the beach, exercising, relaxing and after setting myself some fitness goals for the new year have been already challenging myself to learn some new yoga poses.

Like anything worth achieving, we must first be dedicated, motivated and patient.

Enjoying the journey along the way ….


Whatever your plans are for the new year, I thank you for your support, for your dedication in striving to be fit, healthy and happy.


Happy New Years


Choose greatness

Most great things in your life won’t happen by chance, they will happen by choice.


I saw this sign at some markets on the weekend, and I have been thinking about choices ever since.

Everything we do in life is a choice.

Happiness, dedication, the will to succeed.

You can choose to feel great simply by changing your mindset, habits, situation.

You can choose to feel great on the inside by eating well, and choosing positive thoughts over negative ones.

You can choose to feel great on the outside by exercising, looking after your skin.

You can choose greatness.

Choose to be a winner or a quitter.

Choose whether you surround yourself with negative or positive people.

Choose greatness.

Everything is a choice!