Everything is energy


As I sit and watch a rather large storm brewing outside my house, I start to think about energy.

I love the crazy energy that a building storm brings.

My hair will sense a storm several hours before it even hits.

Everything is energy, and just as my hair will pick up the storms energy and pre-warn me with massive curls and frizz, so to can the energy you put out affect those around you.

So I ask you this, do you think it’s possible that if you consciously decide to emit positive energy, that more often than not, you will attract positive energy in return?

This positive energy will present itself through the people you meet or the situations you encounter.


Likewise if we keep holding on to negative thoughts and feelings those feelings will keep growing stronger and bringing more negative energy, thoughts, feelings and situations our way.

Where your focus goes the energy flows.

Next time you are lying down, try this; lie on your back with your palms facing up to the ceiling.
Focus on your palms and as you do, notice a slight tingling feeling in your hands, then notice that feeling intensifying, as you hold your focus there…..

Crazy huh!

Everything is energy, it’s up to you how you want to use it.