This morning after the power went out, I showered and got dressed in the dark, jumped on the bus with no morning coffee, peacock hair and a shirt on inside out, then I thought about obstacles.
Now anyone who knows me knows I am the type of girl who regularly sports a natural (otherwise known as messy) hairstyle and I rarely wear makeup, so while the shock of looking at myself in the mirror later, wasn’t too extreme, my lack if morning routine coffee was certainly not ideal.
Life is what you make it, simple as that!
If you are the person to need a hair straightener in the morning and the power is out, would you hide away from the world or would you rock that frizzy Afro with style.
Later during my class when the stereo stopped momentarily I did some interpretative dance, ok that’s not true, but I didn’t freeze up and panic.
Life is filled with little obstacles, but what you choose to do with those little obstacles is up to you.
You have the ability to accept everything thrown at you, to deal with it and move on.
No matter how big or small, you can change the way you think.
You can simply not allow those obstacles to become major issues.
Obstacles are there to test us, to teach us a lesson, to help us grow.
Issues are the way you react to those obstacles.
Happy Monday; embrace your obstacles, grow stronger, rock that peacock hair if you need to.
If you can’t laugh at yourself then what you can laugh at 🙂