Self love versus Selfies

Today I had a thought (it is important to mention that this thought after spending way longer than I should have trying to get the “perfect” selfie for an Instagram story that only stays active 24 hours)….
I wondered what sort of world we might live in if we gave as much thought and spent as much time meditating, setting positive intentions, having loving kind thoughts as we did trying to take the perfect selfie??????
Seriously I feel the world has gone out of control with selfies and looking into the camera at themselves, rather than looking within themselves for answers.
I am aware of the irony and hypocrisy of this post – but I should also mention that after 3 failed attempts I just posted it anyway and went to meditate.
I just feel the world may be a little happier, calmer and more positive if we could all find and set aside a little bit of time to reflect, to breathe to switch off.
These are my thoughts for today!

One thought on “Self love versus Selfies

  1. Narelle

    I don’t spend much time on selfies but if I’m travelling. I do like to include myself in the shot before posting to FB as it adds a more personal touch and a way of recreating that now obsolete practice of scratching I WAS HERE in a landmark. So, I agree. Selfie away but don’t forget to live in the moment as well. Balance. All about balance.

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